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OUTSIDE EYE: Angélique Willkie

12.8.2024 Rennweg Studios - ImPulsTanz, Wien, Austria

FUNDED by Culture Moves Europe's Individual Mobility Grant and FFUK's Etterutdanningsstiped/Further Education Grant.

.I.I.I. is part of Anu Laiho's current research project RED. It was performed as a work-in-progress solo as part of the ATLAS 2024 Happenings event at Rennweg Studios under the ImPulsTanz Festival in Vienna, in August 2024.

The performance is the final demo performance of the research project and concludes the RED trilogy exploring the different forms the self takes under the gaze of the other, and the experience of a queer feminine body as the generator of motion.

.I.I.I. takes the sensation of otherness into the main focus and materialises it as a monstrosity travelling through a series of violent metamorphoses. The work is situated in a plain grey room with a ever-dripping water installation and a three-screen digital installation, with the distorted body travelling through it in a continuous state of change.

...and I was wondering if I had existed...

...if I never took a breath in...

...whether I would feel as if I...

...and I...

...if I never...

...whether I would...

...feel as if I...




This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

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